On May 1, 2002, Steven Noels wrote:

>> Is there a way to flag something as:
>> 1. work-in-progress (cron reports what work still needs to be done)
>> 2. in QA (cron reports what is still in QA - QA can knock it
>> back down
>> to editorial/work-in-progress)
>> 3. certified to be generated into docs (cron job picks these up to
>> generate the site)
> Nope, no flags yet - but a very good idea.
> I would think we would use CVS branches for that - opinions?

Extending Rob's idea, don't we need internal flags (attributes/elements) 
within docs themselves to indicate status/stage of evolution (not simply 
version)? This allows all kinds of grouping/filtering/display options to 
aid project management. For example, a user interesting in providing QA 
can go to a page which shows all docs ready for usability tests. A 
coordinator may want to examine the status of all docs in process. A 
contributing author may want a list of docs with "fix-me" holes in 
drafts or outlines. In other words, isn't it more flexible to generate 
status reports by applying transformations to the docs themselves, 
instead of by cron jobs/cvs?

I assumed CVS branches come in to play when document is either in 
process (in head) or finished (in release). Am I overlooking other 
features of cvs branches? I guess I'd also prefer to apply a Cocoon 
solution to project management, however primitive it may be at the 


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