Jeremy Quinn wrote:
> FYI. In <slash-edit/> I get the user to keep both their 'publishing' 
> sitemap and their 'editing' sitemap in the same folder so that they can 
> both access the same resources.

Well, it was meant in this sense
- there are contexts where there is exactly one file
   with a given name by definition, like web.xml.
- there are contexts where there is *usually* only
   one file with a certain semantics in a directory
   related to the context. Ant's build.xml is usually
   in the project subtree root directory. This does not
   mean that there aren't alternative build descriptions
   (build.xml, build-jdk1.4.xml,...), or that someone
   chooses to put the build files for all subprojects
   into a build/ directory. This doesn't really matter
   because build.xml is the default only and different
   names can be used.
   In the same sense, there can be differenly named
   sitemap files used. In fact, there is no real default
   hardcoded into Cocoon for sitemap files, the name must
   be always explicitely specified.
Does this help?


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