On Mon, 30 Sep 2002, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

> Giacomo Pati wrote:
> >
> > Ok, this thread had made alot of people think about it and the conclusion
> > is that we should not switch to a newer/better container at least until a
> > 2.1 release is out, right?
> >
> Yupp.
> > I've allready commited the step 1 (Loggable -> LogEnabled).
> >
> Nice work!


> > Now I'm on step 2 (as there has not been any -1). This can be done while
> > we stay with ECM for now and have still backward compatability for all
> > custom Components somebody has around for his private projects.
> >
> > But I have some questions about this move. We have classes named after
> > the deprecated Interfaces (ie. CocoonComponentManger, ComposerAction). I'd
> > like to hear your suggestion how we should deal with those:
> >
> > 1. don't change the names
> > 2. rename them to appropriate names like CocoonServiceManager
> > 3. create new one and deprecate the old ones
> >
> > What is your oppinion?
> >
> A definit -1 for 2, because people writing custom components use
> ComposerAction etc.
> as a base class, so we can't remove them.
> I think 3 is the way to go: deprecate the old ones and only create new ones
> where appropriate.

Ok, so your suggestions are what I'd thought of doing :).

Another issue is the missing interface Recomposable which has vanished in
the service package. We use it internally on some component. Most of their
use is publicate code like:

        public void compose( ComponentManager manager )
            this.manager = manager;

        public void recompose( ComponentManager manager )
            this.manager = manager;

Which was for the sake of the guideline from the Component packge and can
be replace by a single service method.

In other places I've seen code like this:

        public void compose( ComponentManager manager )
            this.mainManager = manager;
            this.manager = manager;

        public void recompose( ComponentManager manager )
            this.manager = manager;

which can be ported to:

        public void service( ServiceManager manager )
            if( this.mainManager == null )
                this.mainManager = manager;
            this.manager = manager;

Do I have your +1 for that?


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