Stephan Michels wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
> For some time ago, I tried to replace also the deprecated LogKitManageable
> classes, but the Avalon people don't want to apply my patch :-/

I think it has more to do with the fact that we are all busy and
it keeps slipping through the cracks.

>>>>2. can be done in two steps:
>>>>  a. move from Component to Service infrastructure as the
>>>>ExcaliburComponentManager supports this.
>>>>  b. use Fortress/Merlin (don't know the status of those and which one
>>>>makes more sense for Cocoon to be used, so I need some advice of
>>>>Avalonians here)
>>>What does this mean in terms of compatibility and a stable Cocoon? Are
>>>written components using a CM with Composable and Component still working?
>>>I think noone will recode all the components he has written so far. But
>>>I guess that this is covered.
>>>So the remaining question is, is fortress/merlin stable and usable?
>>>If these both points can be answered positiv, I would say: +1.
>>-1 for 2.1. If you read this thread, you will see that the changes are
>>too drastic to make this in 2.1, and it already has loads of changes by
>>itself. This asks for at least 2.5, or even 3.0.
> Couldn't we release the damn 2.1, and remove all the deprecated classes?
> Then we will have enough room to migrate to Fortress/Merlin or whatever.

By all means, release 2.1.  Don't migrate to Fortress until there is an
official release--which I believe work is starting on it now.


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