On 28.Oct.2002 -- 04:29 PM, Torsten Curdt wrote:
> What about having blocks inside the scratchpad? I just wanted to package the 
> precept stuff but it should not go into the maintrunk. so...
> I think scratchpad blocks would unify the pattern of creating new stuff... it 
> also would be a piece of cake to move things out of the scratchpad then. 
> On the other hand we could also just create blocks and mark them appropriatly 
> and exclude them from the standard build.
> So we could:
> 1) leave everything like it is :-(
> 2) have another blocks directory under scratchpad
> 3) have a single blocks directory and mark and exclude scratchpad stuff

4) have a scratchpad directory in every block that needs it.

I'm in favour of 3) 

We could have a new block "scrachpad-block" (a), append "-scratch" to
the name e.g. "new-stuff-scratch-block" (b), or just add a comment in
modules.xml saying it is "pre-alpha quality" (c). Either one is
fine. A single scratchpad block would be nice for small additions
while big ones could opt for "c".

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