On Tuesday 29 October 2002 05:31, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
> Torsten Curdt wrote:
> >while implementing the scratchpad blocks...
> >
> >>I am fine with that... So I'll go for
> >>
> >>         <!-- the following blocks are marked unstable and should be
> >>               considered being pre-alpha quality. Their API might change
> >>               without notice -->
> >>         <myteststuff include="false" status="unstable"/>
> >>         <scratchpad include="false" status="unstable"/>
> >
> >...I found some things I like to hear some opinions on before changing the
> >whole build system ;-)
> >
> >1. I found that the status="unstable" should be not in the properties.xml
> > file but the modules.xml file. since that's the file that describes our
> > blocks
> >
> >2. Why is this file called modules.xml?
> AFAIU, module.xml is for the gump.

:-/ ...that's what I feared...

> And, while we are on the subject, why, why gump projects / cocoon blocks
> named as "fop-block", and not "cocoon-fop-block"???

true... shall I change it then?

what about the other stuff? I want to tackle that today...
guys - if noone has any comments/objections I will just "make it work" as I 
think ;-)


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