On 18.Dec.2002 -- 02:07 PM, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
> Torsten Curdt wrote:
> >Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
> >>
> >>Correct. Though another issue your PMC may want to see answered is - how
> >>is this community going to maintain it; are there enough active SAP
> >>experts to see to it that this piece of code is going to be alive and
> >>healty for years to come. Even if some of the original people drop out ?
> >>
> >>This is a rather specific piece of code wiht a lot of infrastructure
> >>around it.
> >
> >
> >If we announce SAP support for Cocoon I bet people will be using it.
> >Using brings complains, bugfixes and finally maintainance. IMHO this is 
> >no big problem.
> If I cannot test it myself, I would be very suspicious of having it in 
> our repository.

I agree. OTOH code can still be reviewed and a decision could be based
on that. And I agree with Torsten here: I would bet that we will
attract users that would care for these components once they are

> >If people really don't use it - it's just another component in our CVS.
> >...like maybe others that are rarely used;)
> Which is also a problem IMHO. Making them into "blocks" helps in not 
> making Cocoon tied to non-healthy components.

Of course it would be an optional component. Michael has already
prepared the patch to go into src/blocks.

> >So I don't really see anything besides the licence issue.
> >
> >Altough it is the question whether it's worth the risk getting into 
> >trouble because of a non-Apache licence for code that *maybe* isn't even 
> >used by many people...
> >
> >But I think: either the licence is
> >a) ok -> let's include it
> >b) not ok -> ask the author to modify the licence or host it somewhere else
> The code has to have a license grant for Apache. We are talking about an 
> important *donation* in *code*, not a jar we use.

Michael is working on that. AFAIU his company is willing to sign this
grant. Plus he is willing to work on mock objects that would enable
compilation without any SAP jars. Thus this would be not more tied to
SAP as the jsp block to weblogic.

> I think that this SAP feature is *very* *very* important, but I'm 
> concerned over how we would maintain it. I would like to know it there's 
> a way in which we can actually have that code tested.

Do we have SAP R3 users on this list? Please comment!
Shall we ask on cocoon-users?

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