> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stefano Mazzocchi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 1:27 PM
> Subject: Re: [vote] finilizing the pending votes on flow [was Re: [RT]
> Flow/SitemapIntegration]
> Reinhard Poetz wrote:
> > Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> >>Let me add:
> >>
> >>  - make a new method that allows the flow to call a pipeline and pass a
> >>different output stream. This will allow to use pipelines as tools to
> >>serialize things, say, to disk or to other means.
> >>
> >>What do you think?
> >
> > </snip>
> >
> > I think you mean a function in the system.js, don't you?
> Yes, exactly. A function equivalent to sendPageAndContinue() that I can
> use to call a pipeline but to use it orthogonally from the normal stream
> of data that flows from the request to the response.
> This is very useful, for example, to save stuff to disk or to CVS or to
> any other repository and will finally, IMO, give an end to the need for
> a forked pipeline that goes in two different places.
> > For my flows I use a self-defined function which makes this for me:
> >
> > function callPipeline(src) {
> >     xc = cocoon.componentManager.lookup( myXMLConsumer.ROLE );
> >     resolver =
> cocoon.environment.getObjectModel().get("source-resolver");
> >     srce = resolver.resolveURI(src);
> >     resolver.toSAX( srce, xc );
> >     return xc;
> > }
> >
> > The component myXMLConsumer has a method <code>public String
> > getDocument()</code> ... mabe there is a better/more elegant way, but it
> > works for me ;-)
> nonono, careful. You are calling a pipeline to have its data as an
> object model to play with. While this is fair, I don't like it at all
> and would not want it included in system.js. It looks like an hack from
> miles away (sorry, no offense, just stating my impressions honestly)

I had the same impression but no idea of making it better. I'm looking
forward to reading your RT.
(I have no problem with other ideas and valuable feedback from people who
have the same/different needs - I think that's the big difference between
commercial software and open source software because commercial software is
nearly always focused and once written and working only reviewed if problems

Therefore I'll come up with a solution of using the flow as controller for
XMLForms - a 'pre-alpha' version is already running at my laptop. I know
that my solution is far from being perfect (continuations can be very tricky
...) but I want to learn and the feedback will make me learn new things and
this will make our/my solutions better.

One note: If I look back the last two years it's really incredible what I
learned about design patterns (coming from the M$ visual programming world I
have never heard of it before), java programming, xml, xslt, ...  only by
studying Cocoon and Avalon concepts/source code/examples and
following/taking part in disussions. I don't know which university/school
can offer an education at this level - maybe I'm wrong.

What are the experiences of others?


> What I want is something different.
> I'll come up with an RT later today or tomorrow.
> For now, consider it separated from this vote since it has not been
> discussed well and I want more feedback on it.
> --
> Stefano Mazzocchi                               <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------

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