gosh, do you people realize this chronological aggregation starts to exhibit statistical value?

oh no, I'm entering wild-mode, aggghhhhh

I wonder what the cross-correlation of this information with agora's density could do... hmmmm...

Excuse my off-topic-ness, but I have my personal theory on this: what if deep brain structures *do* depent on what time of the year a child is born?

the ancient civilizations thought of astronomical influences but we now know that's bullshit because they didn't know (much) about equinox precession (which happens in thousands of years)

but what if brain structures are influenced by the ormonal (or other inner-body) changes in the mother caused by different cyrcadian cycles in different stages of fetus development?

oh, wait, that means that data has the same statistical value only on the same latitude (where cyrcadian cycles have the same length)....

That is definitly wild! ;)

...but it definitly _is_ interesting how the distribution of comitter birthdays looks like ;)

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