
thanks for your patch to use MultiPart with the DatabaseActions.

On 24.Jan.2003 -- 12:22 AM, Geoff Howard wrote:
> Anyway, it's all working now, autoincrement, inserting the data, and the
> database reader (pending the patch).
> http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=16382

However, it does not work for me! It took me quite a long time with
the debugger to find the reason for this (now to the reason I cc'ed
Jeroen and cocoon-dev): 

If FilePartArray is used the uploaded file is stored inside the
request object. Fine. But how to access it there?
HttpRequest.getParameter() returns java.lang.String and thus
JDBCTypeConversions.storeColumn() tries to open a file named
"org.apache.cocoon.components.request.multipart.FilePartArray@234768" !

In which situations does FilePartArray work at all? Or is this class
completely useless?

Any idead how to make this work?

Would it be better to pass the uploaded file through a request

Is there some backward compatibility issue with placing the file name
in a request parameter?

Would it make sense to create an input module that first checks the
request attribute for an FilePartArray and if not found asks the
request parameter for the file name?

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