On 24.Jan.2003 -- 10:37 AM, Geoff Howard wrote:
> > If FilePartArray is used the uploaded file is stored inside the
> > request object. Fine. But how to access it there?
> > HttpRequest.getParameter() returns java.lang.String and thus
> > JDBCTypeConversions.storeColumn() tries to open a file named
> > "org.apache.cocoon.components.request.multipart.FilePartArray@234768" !
> On second thought, FilePartArray vs FilePartFile shouldn't matter - the code
> is looking for the superclass FilePart and is only using getSize() and
> getInputStream().  I can't find where the action is getting the parameter,
> probably because of the input module abstraction.

Yes. It is in DatabaseAction.getColumnValue() which calls
InputModule.getAttribute() which in turn (for the request parameter
module) calls 

But in HttpRequest 

    public String getParameter(String name) {
        String value = this.req.getParameter(name);
        if (this.form_encoding == null || value == null) {
            return value;
        return decode(value);

The FilePartArray is casted to java.lang.String returning "org.apache.cocoon....."

> Still, all this makes it weird that it works on my machine and not yours.
> Do you have local modifications that aren't checked in that could be making
> the difference?

Don't think so. Basically, I have your patches applied but that's
it. This is jdk 1.4.1_01 + tomcat 4.1.18 on debian linux.

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