On 11.Jul.2001 -- 10:08 AM, Ulrich Mayring wrote:
> Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> > 
> >    The right place for application flow and redirects is the sitemap in
> >    c2. So you can make redirects in the sitemap using the map:redirect-to
> >    element or you can write your custom action which can do a redirect.
> But how to do that conditionally then? Here's some code from one of my
> Cocoon1 apps:
> String param = request.getParameter("param");
> if (param == null||param.equals(""))
> response.sendRedirect("error.xml?apperror=1526");
> This redirects the user to an error page, if his input is not ok. I have
> lines like this in most of my XSP pages. Another example:
> if (status.startsWith("active")) {
>               // Send notification mail
>               response.sendRedirect("mail/NOTIFY_CUSTOMER.xml");
> else if (status.startsWith("begin")) {
>               // Send error fax
>               response.sendRedirect("fax/NOTIFY_CUSTOMER.xml");
> Doing a 'grep -r sendRedirect * | wc -l' on the above app I get 104.
> Does this mean I have to write 104 actions? Or is it possible to write a
> generic redirect action - in that case it should be included in the
> distribution :)

Have a look at the form validation action and request parameter value
selctor(*) provided with cocoon2


(*) will appear today in HEAD

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