Luca Morandini wrote:

> Andre,
>       I used mod_jk instead of jserv, hence, I can't be of much assistance.
>       I would suggest you to switch to mod_jk, which is (reportedly) better, then
> we may work out the problem...

Hi Luca,

All right, I switched to mod_jk. No change, however, everything I had 
with jserv also applies to jk. The directory /cocoon is displayed if I 
do the request localhost/cocoon in the same way as /localhost/examples 
would do. Is this in fact to be expected, since localhost:8080/cocoon 
results in the welcome page, so the latter request compiles the sitemap. 
If I do localhost:8080/examples I also get a listing of the directory 
examples, but now tomcat handled the request.

Again, localhost:8080/cocoon works entirely correct.

Maybe you could show me your server.xml and mod-jk.conf-auto files to 
see what you have in your case. Are you accidentally using a linux 
(Slackware) based system?


> Best regards,
> ---------------------------------------------
>                Luca Morandini
>                GIS Consultant
>             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>           +39 0744 59  85  1 Office
>           +39 0335 681 02 12 Mobile
> ---------------------------------------------
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Andre Juffer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: luned́ 16 luglio 2001 23.38
>> Subject: C1 to C2
>> Luca, Anders, Lajos,
>> I keep on having the same problem. While localhost:8080/cocoon correctly
>> displays the welcome page of cocoon2, it seems to be impossible for me
>> to get apache + tomcat 3.2.2 + cocoon2 working together, such also the
>> request localhost/cocoon displays the welcome page.
>> The following is what being including into httpd.conf (in addition to
>> what is already given in tomcat-3.2.2/conf/tomcat-apache.conf):
>> ----
>> AddType text/xml .xml
>> AddHandler jserv-servlet .xml
>> Alias /cocoon "/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2/webapps/cocoon"
>> <Directory "/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2/webapps/cocoon">
>>      Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>> </Directory>
>> ApJServMount /cocoon/servlet /cocoon
>> <Location "/cocoon/WEB-INF/">
>>      AllowOverride None
>>      deny from all
>> </Location>
>> <Location "/cocoon/META-INF/">
>>      AllowOverride None
>>      deny from all
>> </Location>
>> RewriteEngine On
>> RewriteLog "/var/log/rewrite.log"
>> RewriteLogLevel 3
>> RewriteRule Biocomputing/(.*) /cocoon/Biocomputing/$1 [PT]
>> ----
>> The rewriting is actually working in the way it should (Thanks Luca).
>> Also, localhost/cocoon in fact displays the CONTENT of the
>> webapps/cocoon directory and the same for localhost/Biocomputing/ (with
>> the trailing /), which gives me correctly the /cocoon/Biocomputing
>> directory.
>> The key problem are these lines (I think)
>> AddType text/xml .xml
>> AddHandler jserv-servlet .xml
>> In fact, if I request localhost/cocoon/welcome.xml, the cocoon2 servlet
>> is responding (in the way it should):
>> ---
>> Cocoon 2 - Resource not found
>> type resource-not-found
>> message Resource not found
>> description The requested URI "/cocoon/welcome.xml" was not found.
>> sender org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet
>> source Cocoon servlet
>> request-uri
>> /cocoon/welcome.xml
>> path-info
>> welcome.xml
>> ---
>> The sitemap is not compiled, though. If I add to the sitemap the following
>> ---
>>     <map:match pattern="welcome.xml">
>>      <map:redirect-to uri="welcome"/>
>>     </map:match>
>> ---
>> localhost/cocoon/welcome.xml will not display the welcome. It is shown,
>> of course, upon the request localhost:8080/cocoon/welcome.xml.
>> In fact, the request localhost/cocoon/welcome results in
>> ----
>> Not Found
>> The requested URL /cocoon/welcome was not found on this server.
>> Apache/1.3.12 Server at Port 80
>> -----
>> So, in the latter case, Apache is handling the request instead of
>> cocoon2. Obviously, this is because there is no .xml extension.
>> If you are using Tomcat 3.2.2, Apache 1.3.* and cocoon2, what exactly
>> have you for AddType and AddHandler directives in your configuration?
>> Of course, I can always write all my files ending with e.g. xml, xsp and
>> adapt the sitemap accordingly (and use 8080). No objections there, but
>> it is ugly. Currently, I think, requests like <your-server>/Foo/foo
>> without having some extension at the foo, cannot be resolved correctly
>> in a simple way such that cocoon2 takes over the request.
>> Or do I still miss something totally ..... what, on earth?
>> Cheers,
>> Andre.
>> --
>> Andre H. Juffer              | Phone: +358-8-553 1683
>> The Biocenter and            | Fax: +358-8-553-1141
>>      the Dep. of Biochemistry | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> University of Oulu, Finland  | WWW:
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Andre H. Juffer              | Phone: +358-8-553 1683
The Biocenter and            | Fax: +358-8-553-1141
     the Dep. of Biochemistry | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Oulu, Finland  | WWW:

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