On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 07:01:19PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:
>    yeps  !  its seen a lot. Reasons are not generic and vary with case to
>    case.
>    The  best way to know the exact error is to check the cocoon.log file.

fgrep is my friend :

[kevin@snorlax resin]$ fgrep Error webapps/cocoon/WEB-INF/logs/cocoon.log 
ERROR   3703    [cocoon  ] (Thread-2): Error compiling sitemap

Of course, this was *SO* easy to miss in the logs, as a *LOT* of info is 
in there (and this is thread 2 of 17, as well, so my human eyes kept 
looking through it....).

Alrighty then. Resin (and only Resin) stack overflows compiling the 
sitemap from a stock 2.0B1 (and 2.1-cvs) build of cocoon (I'll check out 
the 2.0 cvs tree today and try that, but I have little hope, y'know?)

Has anyone seen this, then?

| Kevin Sonney        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Systems Programmer    www.webslingerZ.com |

"The weakest link in any civil rights case is always the
defendant. Imagine being a lawyer and getting a call from me. That's why I
try to, uh, behave myself." - Hunter S. Thompson

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