On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 09:48:07PM -0700, Frans Thamura spoke thusly:
> I have this problem also.
> I am successfull install cocoon 1.82 (use intensive
> now), cocoon 2.0, but in Cocoon 2.1 from CVS I got the
> sitemap error.

I managed to get it working, by doing the following :

1) move/remove resin-x.x.x/lib/jaxp.jar resin-x.x.x/lib/sax.jar (as per 
the current docs)
2) rename resin-x.x.x/lib/dom.jar resin-x.x.x/lib/zdom.jar
3) copy xerces-xxx.jar and xalan-xxx.jar resin-x.x.x/lib/
4) Comment out the <java compiler=..../> element in resin.conf
5) Copy the cocoon.war into resin-x.x.x/webapps
6) start resin, and browse to localhost:8080/cocoon

This seems to be working. YMMV, but if it works for more than just me, 
perhaps the dev team would be kind enough to amend the INSTALLING doc for 

| Kevin Sonney        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Systems Programmer    www.webslingerZ.com |

"The weakest link in any civil rights case is always the
defendant. Imagine being a lawyer and getting a call from me. That's why I
try to, uh, behave myself." - Hunter S. Thompson

| Kevin Sonney        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Systems Programmer    www.webslingerZ.com |

"The weakest link in any civil rights case is always the
defendant. Imagine being a lawyer and getting a call from me. That's why I
try to, uh, behave myself." - Hunter S. Thompson

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