Cassandra -

> Not sure if you've already figured out your problem, but I finally
> got mine running (sort of) :-), so i thought i'd suggest a couple of
> things...

No - as per my previous post, I'm laying off 'til I know the OS is set up
properly for Java.
> 1.  Are your org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap classes actually
> getting created under...
> /local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2/work/localhost_8080%2Fcocoon
> If so, see if they're compiling.  It sounds like these might not be
> getting created.  Might be a write permission??  It doesn't complain
> about not being able to compile the sitemap.

Yeah - I thought I'd covered that in the original mail.  They're in the
right place, and they're compiling - apparently correctly.  I thought about
Write permissions early on, but they seem fine.
> 2. There was probably another was to solve this, but I ended up
> having to remove the following lines from my main sitemap.xmap.  It
> was complaining about missing classes.  I had my DISPLAY set and that
> didn't help.
> <map:serializer name="vrml"   mime-type="model/vrml"      
> src="org.apache.cocoon.serialization.TextSerializer"/>
> <map:serializer name="svgxml" mime-type="image/svg-xml"   
> src="org.apache.cocoon.serialization.XMLSerializer">
> <doctype-public>-//W3C//DTD SVG 20000303
> Stylable//EN</doctype-public>
> <doctype-system><
> /doctype-system>
> </map:serializer>
> <map:serializer name="svg2jpeg" mime-type="image/jpeg"    
> src="org.apache.cocoon.serialization.SVGSerializer">
> <!-- example parameter - background colour is bright green
> <parameter name="background_color" type="color" value="#00FF00"/>
> -->
> </map:serializer>
> <map:serializer name="svg2png" mime-type="image/png"      
> src="org.apache.cocoon.serialization.SVGSerializer">
> </map:serializer>
> <map:serializer name="fo2pdf"
> src="org.apache.cocoon.serialization.FOPSerializer"
> mime-type="application/pdf"/>

Yeah - I've done the same.  This isn't the problem I have at the moment, but
I figured it would be the next one if I could get past this one.....
> 3.  As you probably know, ignore the ibm error, that's a weblogic's
> thing, and beta1 has this listed in the cocoon.xconf.  You can also
> remove this line from your conf file as well.  Just didn't want you
> chasing that one up as i did until i saw a posting about it.

Yup :-)  Went there a few months ago when I was getting it all going on NT
(a markedly simpler exercise - especially compared to the nightmare of
getting C1 installed last year).

Thanks for the info.  Do you know _which_ of these changes fixed the
original problem?  It shouldn't have been the graphics stuff, as the log
messages for that problem are different.



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