If this is available in an FAQ somewhere, please feel free to point me there, but I 
couldn't find anything.

Is there any way for me to test more efficiently under cocoon?  Currently my process 

* run my build file to compile and deploy everything
* start tomcat
* test by pointing browser to web page and verifying results correct
* stop tomcat
* update/fix my code and stylesheets
* repeat

It looks to me like I need to keep starting/stopping tomcat so that Tomcat/Cocoon will 
reload the stylesheets and class files that I have changed.  Of course I'd prefer to 
not have to spend the time starting/stopping if I don't have to.

Any suggestions?



Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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