At 10.22 02/11/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>It looks to me like I need to keep starting/stopping tomcat so that 
>Tomcat/Cocoon will reload the stylesheets and class files that I have 
>changed.  Of course I'd prefer to not have to spend the time 
>starting/stopping if I don't have to.

If you just change XML or XSLT you can avoid restarting it all, it will 
reload it automatically. For changes in the sitemap, it is recompiled 
asynch. So you modify the site map, the point to a page (or reload it), it 
will display the old one, wait a few seconds, the reload it again and you 
get the new one.  In cocoon.xconf (but i could be wrong on this) there is a 
setting to make the sitemap regeneration synch ... this is not good for a 
production environment, but is very good for testing, since it recompiles 
the sitemap at the first get after it has changed.

If you change any class, like actions or similars, you can try to change 
the autoreload setting of tomcat, since this is handled by tomcat itself. 
To do this, in the server.xml file, you should add explicitly the cocoon 
context and set the auto-reload="true" attribute. This is documented in the 
server.xml file. Anyway, i have not tested this yet.

Also : starting and stopping tomcat/cocoon sometimes led on my computer to 
some strange things to happen : sometime it does not recompile something 
correctly, so i have to manually delete the %TOMCAT_HOME%/work/cocoon... 

Hope this helps.

Ciao, Simone

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