>>This is done to allow Cocoon 2 to run in any environment and not only
>>servlet container. C2 can be used also in any other environment, e.g.:
>>command line (this one is implemented), EJB (this one is possible,
>>I've never heard of implementations).
>Extending from a class doesn't bind it to the class's original intended use
>does it? I thought "javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest" was an
>interface, it doesn't rely on anything.

This is a question to cocoon-dev mail list.
There were some proposals from Berin about redesigning Cocoon as a
GenericServlet and use javax.servlet.* interfaces (and not
javax.servlet.http.*). Also, the separation of interfaces and implemenations
to jars was discussed, but it seems that it has been forgotten.
See cocoon-dev archives.

>Anthony Aldridge
>Lead Application developer
>Managed Intranet Hosting
>Personal GDP: 325-8338
>MIH Hotline: 876-1300

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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