
For serveral days I'm trying to solve the following problem. I'm sure that 
somebody has already faced it, but I could not find any answer on the net.

I use Cocoon 2 for XSLT transformations (Tomcat 4.0.1 glued to Apache using 
mod_webapp). These are very simple transformations producing HTML output. I 
pass some parameters in the QUERY STRING to the XSL. Those parameters contain 
international (polish) characters, somewhere during the transformation those 
charcters are converted into some rubbish. For example polish character 
%C5%82 is transformed into Å‚ i.e., each byte of the two-byte 
value is treated separetely. 

How to overcome this problem? 

Marcin 'Quosoo' Kłos


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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