> From: Lewis, Andrew J [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

It's becoming offtopic...

> actually - you need the EXE. Launching documents directly from the
> autorun.inf is error prone, and unreliable. There is another technotes
> there that basically points out that the type of exec call they use is
> the ShellOpen but rather a lower leve exec so the program needs to be
an EXE
> or a COM file.

Does BAT, CMD files work? If so, no need for any EXE - CMD/perl/...
would do anything you need.

> I've been bit by that before. The wierd thing is that the document
only will
> work on some versions, but not others.
> > ----------
> > From:       Robert Koberg[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Reply To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent:       Monday, January 21, 2002 11:00 AM
> > To:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject:    Re: Cocoon on a read-only medium
> >
> > copied from MS:
> >
> > Creating an AutoRun-enabled CD-ROM application is a straightforward
> > procedure. You simply include two essential files:
> >
> >   a.. An Autorun.inf file
> >   b.. A startup application
> > When a user inserts a disc into a CD-ROM drive on a
> > computer, the system immediately checks to see if the disc has a
> > computer file system. If it does, the system searches for a file
> > Autorun.inf. This file specifies a setup application that will be
> > along
> > with a variety of optional settings. The startup application
> > installs, uninstalls, configures, and perhaps runs the application.
> >
> > ---
> >
> > the .inf doc is plain text so no need for the exe!


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