Running C2.0 under Windows 2000, JDK 1.3, Apache/Tomcat

I am trying to get a small database working.  After failing to
get it working in a submap, I have tried moving all the relevant 
files over to the Cocoon samples directory.  

When I have:

   <map:match pattern="docs/samples/forms/form_chemicals">
       <map:generate type="serverpages"
       <map:transform src="docs/samples/styles/dbform.xsl"/>
       <map:serialize />

all is well, and the output from the database output displays as

But when I try and use actions:

   <map:match pattern="docs/samples/forms/form_chemicals">
     <map:act set="dbentry">
       <map:parameter name="descriptor" 
value="context://docs/samples/forms/desc_chemicals.xml" />
       <map:generate  type="serverpages"
       <map:transform src="docs/samples/styles/dbform.xsl"/>
       <map:serialize />

I get the error message in the root log:

WARN    (2002-03-19) 15:03.20:994   [root    ]
 HttpProcessor[8080][4]/CocoonServlet: The resource was not found
No pipeline matched request: /docs/samples/forms/form_chemicals

The action set and descriptor all exist in the relevant directories,
and the action set is also
defined in the relevant sitemap entry.  The Tomcat work directory was

Any clues as to why pattern is not matched?


PS I have tried changing:
<map:parameter name="descriptor"  value="contex
<map:parameter name="descriptor"  value="file
on other advice, but without succcess.

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