I am using several mailing-lists. On some of them I am the local guru 
(cocktails making, sendmail.cf manual writing)
and some where I am a newbie (cocoon-users :-)

I wonder if there is a piece of software that accepts mails as input and 
format them for the web.
So I can forward it the best mails of the lists, and browse them, as an FAQ.

For the current list, I think that a lot of infos could be compiled in 
such a way.

Does it sound interesting to anyone?
May be, such a project already exists.

The idea is to have a very simple input system (just forward the mails 
to a mail address),
and an optionnal web interface to modify/improve them.

That would be a kind of auto-FAQ.

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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