> I thought <br /> was the classic tric for all elder browsers?

Yes, per the XHTML spec itself:

> in every case I do live under the impression that the html serializer will
> create <br> for you instead of <br/> did you check your sitemap?

It does not. Unless C2 as used in the demo WAR is setup to use a
transformer other than Xalan. It's been a while since I went through the
process of removing the samples/demos and getting C2 integrated into our
EAR, so I may well have changed something in regards to the transformer
factory and since forgotten. The only implementations available in the
classpath are Xalan 2.3.1 and Xerces (a nightly drop from 2002.03.21)

The problem is that Xalan considers serializations such <br/> and <input
type="button"/> to be correct for the output method "html". That's their
perogative I suppose, there's no standard for the methods equating to
exact HTML versions.

However, since C2's only (rather, primary) goal is to send content to
browsers, I would expect it to provide a way to get that content there
in a fashion that doesn't require all users to have IE5+ or a Mozilla
derivative. Which is why I tend to lean towards the idea that I must be
overlooking something.

If I'm not, I hear that SAXON does this serialization in a
backward-friendly way, and I've also noticed that Xalan has some
non-TRAX API's for doing serialization that seem to have HTML 3.2 tags
hard-coded inline. If there is no solution with the stock distro, I can
wrap up one of the above in a custom serializer. I just thought I should
make sure I wasn't (as usual) missing the obvious. 

Thanks for your help,

Yuri Gadow 0x6D21BAAE

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