> From: Rick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> it was touch-and-go for awhile there -- i'd managed to munch all
> of the presentation on my hard disk using Windows' "hibernate" feature
> -- but my cocoon class at the software dev west conference wound up
> coming off OK. there were about 20 people in the audience, so i'm
> i sold a few (i know at least a couple of the people who were there
> be seeing this, so i won't brag too shamelessly. otherwise they'll sic
> the Snoozing Alien on me). i've already asked the show if they'll let
> do it again for SD East in november.
> question for then: i said in the class, and still believe, that java
> code in XSP can't access incoming XML.

Define "incoming XML" here. Is it XML posted as http request's body? Or
request parameter containing XML? I will assume latter.

> picture if you will a toy XML
> document:
> <page>
>   <kazoo>I make rude noises</kazoo>
> </page>
> then an XSP.xsl that processes it (i'm leaving off all the namespace
> other gradu):
> ....
> <xsp:logic>
>       // Here we extract the content of the "kazoo" element into
>       // a Vector of words
>       Vector kazooWords = new Vector(??????)

You could (skipping all preparations):

Node node =


> </xsp:logic>
> am i off base here? to my knowledge, there is no way for that Java
> to spelunk into the SAX events (C2) or DOM tree (C1) and get at
> contents or attributes.
> i feel a little silly asking such a basic question after teaching a
> class, but i make no claim to omniscience!
> thanks for your help,
> rw

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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