thanks for your prompt reply, Vadim. i apologize for my poor choice of
words (and i call myself a WRITER! sheesh!).

by "incoming" i meant "sauntering gaily down the pipeline". for example,
i want to take "kazoo.xml", a static file lurking on my disk, slurp it
with a FileGenerator, and then mess it about with some Java logic -- but
(so far) i haven't found a way to do that.

OTOH, you've shown me a useful technique for other applications, so
merci encore.


On Mon, 2002-04-29 at 13:44, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
> Define "incoming XML" here. Is it XML posted as http request's body? Or
> request parameter containing XML? I will assume latter.
> You could (skipping all preparations):
> Node node =
> XPathAPI.selectNode(parser.parse(request.getParameter("xmlparam"),
> "kazoo");

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