From: "marco spinetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> One question: is the profit for the apache software foundation (ASF)?
> If not, in my opinion it's against the open source apache philosophy.

The opensource Apache philosophy?
There's a *big* misunderstanding here on what Apache is all about.

Apache is widely known to be very pragmatic on these issues; maybe you are
confused by another foundation that wants freedom for code.

We want community.

> Cocoon is borned as open source project and then all is free.
> Are you a member of people that created Cocoon?
> Have you received the assent from ASF or people as Stefano Mazzocchi?

You don't need it. This is the force of the Apache license, we will never
tie you to us.

> If yes all is ok, otherwise in my opinion you are speculating on Cocoon.

The contrary.

We want projects to be used and become succesfull; the important thing is
creating a market, not getting money back directly.

Apache opensource projects' biggest goal is having commercial backing, and
the license is made to have this happen.
You can do whatever you want with it as long as you say you are using our
work and you don't sue us for problems.

Just do it, and give us credit.

If you give back, good.
If you don't, you're still helping us gain market share.
In any case, we both win.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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