> From: daniel robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Ok,
> I commented out the hsqldb stuff and this error has gone away 
> - but I can't get PostgreSQL to work correctly.
> I've created the sample DB and modified cocoon.xconf:
>   <datasources>
>     <jdbc name="personnel">
>       <pool-controller min="5" max="10"/>
>       <auto-commit>true</auto-commit>
>       <dburl>jdbc:postgresql:testdb</dburl>
>       <user>unknown</user>
>       <password></password>
>     </jdbc>
>   </datasources>
> and Web.xml contains:
>  <init-param>
>       <param-name>load-class</param-name>
>       <param-value>
>         org.postgresql.Driver
>       </param-value>
>     </init-param>
> and pgjdbc1.jar (containing org.postresql.Driver) is in 
> Tomcat/common/lib and I have created the sample tables in 
> testdb within PostgreSQL.

What you have *should* work, however there are a couple of things
to try.

* Add a <driver>org.postgresql.Driver</driver> element into your <jdbc/>
config (under the <dburl/> element is good).

* Move the library to ${webapp}/WEB-INF/libs

When you look at the logs, what do you see (usually you will see a
as to why something in the load-class initial parameter did not get

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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