> I would appreciate help on this from anyone - I've tried all suggestions -- error
> messages are below - Please note that I've already tried:
> snip...
> * Add a <driver>org.postgresql.Driver</driver> element into your <jdbc/>
> config (under the <dburl/> element is good).
> ....snip
> as suggested by Berin.
> Once I get this figured out I PROMISE TO CREATE DOCUMENTATION :)

        I have PostgreSQL working just fine here.  I had to add the
        location of postgres.jar to the classpath in catalina.sh
        since it is not normally in the default classpath on my system.

The line in catalina.sh:


was changed to:


   The <dburl> element of cocoon.xconf is just a reference to the database
URL for that particular data source:


 Dr. Everett (Skip) Carter      Phone: 831-641-0645 FAX:  831-641-0647
 Taygeta Scientific Inc.        INTERNET: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1340 Munras Ave., Suite 314    WWW: http://www.taygeta.com
 Monterey, CA. 93940            

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