> wait: how many users out there are without JavaScript support ?
> Not many I think, and I have yet to find a customer of mine saying "it has
> to work on *every* browser", usually they say "IE 5.x, IE 6.x... maybe
> Netscape 6.x... possibly Opera 5" and that's it.

I've done three e-commerce sites.  The numbers vary for each site, but there
is always a trickle of users who do not have JavaScript.  I've never
bothered to check the numbers on other sites, but I'd guess the results to
be the same (many of the others don't have forms validation to worry about).

> I won't write both validations, I don't simply cater to people wihout
> Javascript... and I wonder how many developers pay attention to those
> unlucky fellows.

If you really care about your public then you pay attention to such

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