
How to use Cocoon in a J2EE project??

I have created an app.cocoon_war.ear Enterprise ARchive which contains the cocoon.war 
(with web context = cocoon).
It seems to work because I can see the Cocoon welcome page when I request 

Now I want to test a simple Hello World program. I have these files:

Do I put these files in a Web ARchive (.war)?
Do I put these files or the Web ARchive in the app.cocoon_war.ear Enterprise ARchive 
or in another Enterprise ARchive?

Is it necessary to have the cocoon.war in a Enterprise ARchive to work with Cocoon?

Thank you very much

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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