On Monday 24 June 2002 04:24 pm, Ryan Hoegg wrote:
> I appreciate the quick and thoughtful response, Pete.  I changed
> cocoon.xconf to use an interpreted sitemap, and succeeded only in making
> a change in the error received.  It still is asking for libXp.so, but is
> now buried in other errors.
> I captured the error from my development server and posted it on my web
> server here:
> http://www.hoegg.net/error/cocoon-problem.html
> It seems to me that there is something fishy about the headless awt
> support in 1.4.0 when using Batik.  Is anyone successfully running
> Cocoon2 this way?

Makes me wonder about how "headless" you can be. Whether its merely no 
running X server or no X libraries on the machine at all. It might be the 
former when you're expecting the latter.

> As a side note, just wanted to say I am a new user of Cocoon and am
> looking forward to this approach to dynamic web development.  Thanks to
> all the developers for a great framework.

Welcome! :)

peter royal -> [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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