I'm not saying there aren't issues.  I'm saying his attitude is wrong.   
You pay for this by participating.  If
the issue was unknown this would be valuable, but this issue is known. 
 Help fix it or accept it.  Or fund
someone else to help fix it.  If you see a nail sticking up, grab a 
hammer.  Don't whine, and
take you cookies and go home.  If this were a commercial piece of 
software, that would be your best course of
action as a customer.  Thats not the case here.


>>What do you mean by "better support"? 
>Maybe I'm suffering from dislexia, but reading the docs in
>xml.apache.org/cocoon helped me only to understand the highest level
>concepts. There were lots of tiny little issues which are not covered
>anywhere  in the documentation. "What's the best way to do this and this?".
>No answers anywhere but here, in the mailing list. Ok, I have a habit to
>look into sources when I've time, but sometimes there's no time. You came
>here and ask a question, hopefully soon you get an answer. Then comes
>another issue, then another and so on. Finally, you spend whole day on some
>stupid problem which could be resolved with good FAQ. 
>I have to admit that things are improving with docs. FAQs are becoming real
>FAQs, not those short "read mailing list" as they were before. IBM's
>tutorials are a very positive step, I recommend them to everybody. They help
>a lot. Again, I'm not complaining I just want to say that there's an issue,
>and I'm glad that the situation with documentation is improving. I think
>that the biggest issue with Cocoon is its docs.
>>>and better documentation. 
>>>I'm not complaining, by the way. I'd love Cocoon become a mainstream
>>So, help us make it better. 
>raising the issue is my help :) 
>Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
>FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>
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Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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