Christian Haul wrote:

> On 04.Jul.2002 -- 03:46 PM, Alexander Schatten wrote:
>>no, I am sorry, you definitly miss the point: I have no problems with 
>>some special scenario or some exotic servlet environment:
> Could we please keep in mind that we're discussing a CVS HEAD,
> i.e. per definition unstable and broken version? Gee, sometimes it
> doesn't even compile!

this was not what I wanted!!

again this might not be documented in the installation documentation: as 
I have written: it does not work at all with the source distribution 
(but I received no comments about this problem...)

however: the only thing that worked, was to use the CVS download. this 
one compiled (J2SE 1.4, Linux, Tomcat 4.04), the source code 
distribution did not.

so it was the other way round as you described: not the CVS version made 
problems, but the "regular" distribution instead.


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