> From: Boscoe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
> >>From: Boscoe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >>
> >>Well,
> >>
> >>just read a bit further: StreamGenerator seems to be exactly what I
> >>need. But how can XSP access data from a StreamGenerator ?
> >
> >You've got to know that pipeline (no aggregation) has to have one and
> >only generator. Thus, either XSP or StreamGenerator can be used as
> >point.
> >
> >OTOH, there are possibilities to access this data from the XSP by
> >of inclusion. I don't know why you want to use XSP and
> >simultaneously, but it is possible to create yet another pipeline
> >the StreamGenerator and get its content in your XSP using util
> >logicsheet.
> >
> As I said earlier:
> the parameters I want to send in my request are deeply structured so
it is
> logical to format them in XML.
> If there is any other way to process a POST request containing XML
content in
> XSP, please let me know.

As I asked above, it's unclear why do you want to use specifically XSP
here. It's one of the possibilities, yes, but in this case it might be
not the best one.

As for solution (XSP + RequestGenerator), it is outlined above.


> Boscoe

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