> > Yes! you want SourceWritingTransformer from Cocoon 2.1 dev.  
> > There is a 
> > parameter to tell it how to serialize the output.  It writes 
> > to a file 
> > on the local hard drive.
> SWT can have its own serializer? What a great stuff!
> Is this feature available in the scratchpad of C2.0.3?

Yes, just checked and it's in scratchpad of 2.0.3.
>From the java docs:

This transformer allows you to output to a WritableSource.

<map:transformer name="tofile"
 <map:parameter name="serializer" value="xml"/>  
<!-- this is the default Serializer (if your Source needs one, like for
instance FileSource ) --> 


<map:transform type="tofile">
  <map:parameter name="serializer" value="xml"/>

Input XML document example:

<page xmlns:source="http://apache.org/cocoon/source/1.0";>
  <source:write src="context://doc/editable/my.xml">
      XML Object body

Output XML document example:

<page xmlns:source="http://apache.org/cocoon/source/1.0";>
  <source:write src="/source/specific/path/to/context/doc/editable/my.xml"
result="success|failure" action="new">
             source specific error message


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