I think you can use such a a pipeline:
-> SWT
         --> Serializer : PDF
-> sucessOrFailure2mail.xsl
-> Sendmail transformer
So the first step makes the PDF and provides a report as XML .
The second step creates a report mail from the XML output of the SWT.
The third step sends the mail (may be with the URL where the PDF can be

-----Message d'origine-----
De: Argyn Kuketayev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Date: vendredi 16 août 2002 17:05
Objet: RE: Can cocoon write pdf to a file?

well, I don't remember who started the thread, not me though :) 

I'll also need some sort of solution with large PDF files. The idea is that
you come and launch report, and given a URL to check it later (when PDF is
ready). The URL would point to a file on the disk, which will be stored for
some time, say one day.

Cashing is for a different situation, which you described. 

> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Geoff Howard [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ] 
> Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 10:54 AM 
> Subject: RE: Can cocoon write pdf to a file? 
> > -----Message d'origine----- 
> > De: Argyn Kuketayev [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ] 
> > Date: vendredi 16 août 2002 16:40 
> > Objet: RE: Can cocoon write pdf to a file? 
> > 
> ... 
> > on the other hand, having the caching configured properly 
> > would probably 
> > solve the problem too. 
> Wait, this last statement makes it sound like you are only interested 
> in keeping the results cached to reduce load.  If that is the case, 
> use cocoon caching - it will automatically keep the result in 
> memory and 
> optionally write it out to disk/database as well.  Caching 
> will not keep 
> a .pdf file anywhere - it remembers ("compiles" in docs is misnomer) 
> the byte-stream for reuse if appropriate.  I would highly 
> reccomend against 
> attempting to introduce your own file-based caching system 
> when a good one 
> is already in place. 
> Hopefully, that's not what you meant by that.  
> Geoff 
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