On 17.Aug.2002 -- 11:13 PM, Jan Willem Penterman wrote:
> I'm sorry to the spam the list like this, but now I've got the feeling
> I'm really getting somewhere:
> I've set up cocoon-2.0.3 binary release for j2sdk1.4 and added a pool
> for MySQL Connector/J .
> Now I've actually managed to get some row data from a MySQL database
> using SQLTransformer!
> But with ESQL it still fails in:
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception in
> ServerPagesGenerator.generate(): java.lang.RuntimeException: Error
> opening connection to dburl: : No suitable driver

Jan, this is hardly believable. Since both use the same pool and almost
the same code to obtain the pool, it is highly unlikely that one is
successfull and the other one isn't.

One difference exists, though: SQLTransformer retries 5 times to get a
connection while ESQL doesn't.

Could you please try to find if your logs contain something like
"could not acquire a Connection -- waiting" and set the parameter
<connect-attempts>1</connect-attempts> in the declaration of the
transformer in sitemap.xmap?

If this is indeed the case, we could add similar functionality to ESQL.

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