Dear All,

Christian Haul wrote:
> On 18.Aug.2002 -- 09:14 PM, Jan Willem Penterman wrote:
> > > This is _really_ strange.
> >
> > Erm, _I_ am really strange...
> > I had my esql:pool tag within the esql:query...
> > Aargh!

Do you mean the pool was within the 'query' or within the

> ..[snip].. Mind you, no-one else spotted it either.

And worse.. the Dodds IBM Tutorial, 'Cocoon 2: Build database
driven sites', presents an example that contains the following:


In the Cocoon documentation 'How to develop Web Applications', their
example contains:


Who's right? Or are they both right? I assume we trust the source.. e.g. 
the Cocoon doc. But it raises a larger question. Are there DTD's or 
other 'reference documentation' that we can go to definitively resolve 
such issues? Is there someplace in the source code that we look (without
having to reverse engineer half of the Jakarta projects :)?

I'm new to Cocoon and it's frustrating to have to trace down these sorts
of errors. RTFM helps, but isn't the complete colution. 

I suffered from the exact same 'No suitable driver' error when trying 
to access mysql using esql. By making the change described above to the 
esql, I've now been able to advance to the 'next error'. There must be
a more efficient way.

Comments, pointers to documentation, DTD files for esql (or other
namespaced cocoon features) would be appreciated.

Many thanks in advance,

Alan Hodgkinson

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