On Monday, Oct 21, 2002, at 11:57 Europe/London, Stephan Michels wrote:

On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Jeremy Quinn wrote:
FYI. The sample web.xml file is out of sync with the current main
web.xml, and tries to use WEB-INF/Domain.xml, I believe this should be:
/samples/slide/slide.xconf (but then I still cannot access it with a
WebDAV client ;). I did manage to get Slide working standalone, just
not your samples from inside Cocoon.
If you plan to run the Cocoon Servlet and the Slide WebDAV Servlet
in one Servlet Container, you could share org.apache.slide.common.Domain
instance, which holds all repositories. So you must not initialize the
Domain twice.
OK, I think I see what you mean ....

I had several emails from people who wanted to use Slide in Cocoon, but
could not get it working, it would be great to sort out these problems
so people can use this powerful stuff!
The problem is that I'm in the exams. So my time limited, until mid next
Sorry, I did not mean to pressure you!

The SlideSource implements a primitive access to the versions of
the files.
Is it useable?
Yes, but not all tested.
So hopefully I can do some testing.

Currently the form param that holds the 'method' to be used in the MultiAction is called 'method', is this not a reserved param name for a request? ie. it would always return the HTTP method?

I'll have a play with this ....

Thanks for your help

regards Jeremy

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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