On Monday, Oct 21, 2002, at 09:26 Europe/London, Stephan Michels wrote:

Thanks for your reply, Stephan.

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

We will be using Cocoon2 with SQL and XML Files, I would like there to
be WebDAV access to the XML files, so they can be edited using an App
like XMLMind.

What is the best way to set up Cocoon, so that the files that Cocoon
serves, can safely be edited via WebDAV?
You should write your own Slide Store to access your repository
I think we only need a File-based repository ATM, so this is already written, correct?

A few weeks ago I saw a document that described a set up for putting
Cocoon inside Slide, but now cannot find it!
I cannot get this to work.

Attempting to login throws Exceptions, I wrote to you privately about this on Saturday. Thanks for your subsequent reply.

FYI. The sample web.xml file is out of sync with the current main web.xml, and tries to use WEB-INF/Domain.xml, I believe this should be: /samples/slide/slide.xconf (but then I still cannot access it with a WebDAV client ;). I did manage to get Slide working standalone, just not your samples from inside Cocoon.

I had several emails from people who wanted to use Slide in Cocoon, but could not get it working, it would be great to sort out these problems so people can use this powerful stuff!

Is it wise to use Cocoon's FileGenerator to read files managed by Slide?
Is there a better way of doing it?
Yes, by using the Slide SourceFactory(slide://)
OK, so once you start to use Slide for storage, even though it may only be File storage, you _always_ need to access the files via the 'slide://' protocol, rather than the 'file://' protocol, correct?

How do you take advantage of Slide's versioning capabilities?
The SlideSource implements a primitive access to the versions of
the files.
Is it useable?

Many thanks.

regards Jeremy

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FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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