I'm afraid this e-mail got missed over the weekend.  

Carsten or anyone else familiar with 2.1
authentication would you be able to help?


--- Alex Romayev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I can't seem to figure out how to redirect back to a
> protected resource after the authentication.  The
> sample only has one resource called "protected".  
> For example, I would like to protect anything that
> is
> under cocoon/admin/*.  Let's say someone requests
> cocoon/admin/add-user resource.  I've noticed that
> when the framework redirects to the login resource
> it
> adds the following to the url:
> resource=%2Fcocoon%2Fadmin%2Fadd-user.  
> Is there a way to retrieve this in the sitemap,
> i.e.,
> something like:
> <map:redirect-to uri="{request-param:resource}?
> Thanks,
> -Alex

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