Just started using Cocoon and I have a rather simple question:

Lets say i have a document with all my data (projects.xml)
    <project id="A1">
        <name> RailwayTrack DF</name>
        <responsible> kni </responsible>
    <project id="B4">
        <name> Digital Transmission </name>
        <responsible> pjc </responsible>

And i also have a definition of some views of the data (views.xml)

    <view name="estimate">
            <measure name="schedule_estimate"/>
            <measure name="economy_estimate"/>
    <view name="overview">
            <measure name="name"/>
            <measure name="responsible"/>

Now I want to given the name of the view, lets say "estimate" to combine it
into another xml document, that is extract only the data mentioned in the
view, in this case it would be the "schedule_estimate" column and the
"economy_estimate" column
The resulting document should look something like this

Can I "merge" 2 documents in that way with xslt?
Or do I need a custom transformer?

  Kasper Nielsen

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