On 07.Nov.2002 -- 06:53 PM, Josema Alonso wrote:
>   //get the Action
>   if(actionName.equalsIgnoreCase("EquipmentTypeAction")) {
>    EquipmentTypeAction equipmentTypeAction = new EquipmentTypeAction();

>    //add this action to the manager
>    equipmentTypeAction.compose(this.manager);

This is incorrect. It allows the equipmentTypeAction access the
component manager. Not the other way around.

Please don't invent the wheel a second time. Have a read of the great
introduction to the Apache Avalon Framework.

Basically, your action needs to implement Composable.
Then you need to get a selector for actions (this is not possible with
the compiled sitemap but works with the treeprocessor IIRC)
Then you could obtain a reference to the desired action.
Then you could fire up that action.
Then you would release that action.
And all the time the component manager takes care of invoking the
correct life cycle interfaces of the action if implemented.

If you cannot access the component manager that holds the actions, you
need to setup your own one.

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