> I am not sure if I would do this like you did.
> There are is a certain lifecycle contract between every Cocoon component
> the container.
> By invoking directly you may be violating this contract.
> I would probably let the sitemap do the forwarding to actions.
> In your case action sets might be good.
> http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/userdocs/concepts/actions.html
I considered them and maybe I'll use them. I'm trying to make a good

> Alternatively you can use one dispatcher action which inherits from
> AbstractXMLFormAction and works directly with the backend based on the
> requested command.
I see. Someone pointed this one, too, but I'm that Avalon savvy to implement
something like this currently.

> Yet another alternative is for the extending action to return an
> parameter which is matched later in the sitemap.
> <map:action type="myxmlformaction">
>   ...
>   <map:call src="cocoon:{whichaction}">
This one sounds new, interesting and easy to code. I'll give it a try :-)

Thank you very much.

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