Jeremy Quinn wrote:

what I do to deal with this kind of thing is to have a menu.xml
structure, that is imported into all my pages via CInclude, then xslt
mh, I've never understood the difference between Xinclude and Cinclude...

(having been provided with the 'id' of the page via the sitemap) makes
two structures from the menu.xml, 1) my html navigation 2) the meta
links you mention.
yes, cool; I would like to prepare accurate documentation about the way my website was built. This could also be a useful how-to for cocoon newbies. If you want to contribute, I'd accept some pieces of code from your xsl-transformations...!

 I also output rel="Chapter" (of sub-pages) links so
all nav can be done from the site nav toolbar. Mozilla also handles
rel="Section" and rel="SubSection".

my data is rather simple so I don't need chapters and subchapters. Maybe I will use those features in the future, thank you!


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