Hello Chris,

maybe it's easier than you think. In which way do you find out which files to aggregate? If it's simply searching the file system and using some files with some criteria, then the DirectoryGenerator can help you. The generated XML you can transform to a XML structure like the below one (but with XInclude or CInclude statements). At the end simply the XIncludeTransformer and everything is fine.



Shaw, Chris wrote:
Hi - thanks for the reply.

I simply want to open one (or more) XML files - the names of which are not
known to the sitemap (not even available client-side), the file names have
to be figured out using some code.
And then I want to wrap all the XML files with my own XML.

For example:

        <special file name="file1">
            <!-- Open and paste XML file here -->
        </special file>
        <special file name="fileX">
            <!-- Open and paste XML file here -->
        </special file>

Maybe I am on the wrong track using a Generator? but it kinda made sense
since that I want to generate XML.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bertrand Delacretaz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday 26 November 2002 10:52
Subject: Re: output XML

On Tuesday 26 November 2002 10:00, Shaw, Chris wrote:

. . .
Is it possible to have a generator that opens an XML file and outputs it
quite simply 'as is' ?
. . .

I'm not sure if I understand your problem, why not simply use the FileGenerator together with the XML serializer? Or the CInclude transformer maybe?


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