Hi All

Can anyone advise me on getting this complicated setup right?

We have a website that will have some stuff served by Cocoon and some served by Apache.

It is not easy to separate them out because we need to retain legacy URLs. Likewise, it is not possible to give Cocoon served material a URL prefix, primarily because we need Cocoon to serve the home page of the site.

From Cocoon:

etc. (about 10 items)

From Apache:

etc. (also about 10 items)

And then we need Slide-based WebDAV access to the Cocoon based material, with Cocoon generating from the Slide repository ..... and this I have still never had working .....

If necessary we /could/:
a) place all static content in a single directory and redirect (legacy URLs) into it from Cocoon.
b) use virtual-hosts, one for Cocoon and one for the static stuff and redirect from Cocoon. But redirecting to images etc. is not that great ;)

I am getting confused with all the options ...... virtual-hosts, web-app, JK, JK2 connectors and all the options in them!

Have any of you lot tried any of this before?
How did you approach it?

Many thanks for any help

regards Jeremy

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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