On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

> We have a website that will have some stuff served by Cocoon and some
> served by Apache.

Is the stuff served by Apache static content, ie html, mpeg, avi, etc?

> It is not easy to separate them out because we need to retain legacy
> URLs. Likewise, it is not possible to give Cocoon served material a URL
> prefix, primarily because we need Cocoon to serve the home page of the
> site.

Ok, I'd get Cocoon to serve the whole lot (assuming you want to gradually
replace legacy stuff with Cocoon anyway), but use the sitemap to "pass
through" the legacy bits.

>  From Apache:
>       /images/*

  <map:match pattern="/images/**.jpg">
    <map:read src="/legacy/root/images/{1}.jpg" mime-type="image/jpg"/>

>       /movies/*

  <map:match pattern="/movies/**.avi">
    <map:read src="/legacy/root/movies/{1}.avi" mime-type="video/x-msvideo"/>

> And then we need Slide-based WebDAV access to the Cocoon based
> material, with Cocoon generating from the Slide repository ..... and
> this I have still never had working .....

Not used this, so can't help, sorry.

> a) place all static content in a single directory and redirect (legacy
> URLs) into it from Cocoon.

I'd leave it where it is, and get Cocoon to do the hard work of dealing
with legacy urls.

Hope that helps,


Andrew Savory                                Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Managing Director                              Tel:  +44 (0)870 741 6658
Luminas Internet Applications                  Fax:  +44 (0)700 598 1135
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