Sorry for returning to this issue again, but I can't find an answer.
Can I use value substitutoin inside the input module?
Referring the example that yoou gave me, I don't want to get the substring
of the whole URI, if I have match:
<map:match pattern="*/*.html">

I want to refer to the first wildcard inside the request: module, something
<map:parameter name="param" value="{request:substring({1},0,1)}"
e.g. I want to apply XPath expression only on part of the URI using value
This is probably very stupid question, but I can't find an answer.
Can somebody please explain me this or redirect me to some URL with
(I read the, but
it just explains the concept of modules, it doesn't have the example that I

Thank you very much for help.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Konstantin Piroumian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: value-substitution in Cocoon

(Please do not use HTML mails in the mailing list.)

I see two ways to solve this task:
  1. Use an action that will get the original parameter and generate another
one, which you'll pass to the transformer.
  2. Use a the Request input module, e.g.  <map:parameter name="param"
value="{request:substring(requestURI, 0, 1)}"/> - this sample will give you
the first letter (see /samples/module/sitemap.xmap and XPath reference to
learn how to get the last character).

It sounds a little strange what you are trying to do though...


----- Original Message -----
From: Anna Afonchenko
To: cocoon-users
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 14:55
Subject: value-substitution in Cocoon

I have the following question:
I know that in Cocoon I can use value substitution inside a pipeline, e.g.
if I have a pipeline
  <map:match pattern="*/*.html">
    <map:generate src="{2}.html"/>
    <map:transform src="some.xsl">
      <map:parameter name="param" value="{1}"/>

and if I write the URI http://localhost:8080/cocoon/param1/some.html

then in the pipeline the stylesheet some.xsl will receive a parameter with
name param and value param1. So this is my question:
Can I somehow parse/evaluate this parameter {1} inside the sitemap (not
inside the xsl).
E.g., can I somehow, having {1}="param1" extract the last character ("1" in
this case) and send to the xsl only it, or, having parameter {1}=1, send
{1}+1, i.e. 2 to the stylesheet?

I need this because I want to build pipeline that will get some parameter n,
and after it is executed I want to call the same pipeline with parameter
Is this possible in sitemap?

Thank you very much for help.


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